[WriteLog] PRO 2

Edward Palagyi edkn4y@infi.net
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 20:27:08 -0500

I read where a fellow was having aproblem with PRO 2 using CT 17. I had a similar 
problem when I first got Writelog but with a IC 735. The CT 17 checkout in hyper space, a 
tecnichian type dude came over and hooked up a whggit that had lights blinking on and off. 
He said it seems to be okay, the CT 17. I purchased a new CT 17 and my problems went 
away and all is working to date. So borrow another CT 17 and check out the system, that 
could be your problem. The CT 17 may check good but will not operate good. 