[WriteLog] W5XD Keyer

W. Wright, W5XD w5xd@writelog.com
Mon, 26 Feb 2001 01:26:34 -0000

1. connecting a pot to the speed pot connections is optional.

2. the pback and rec connections are for functions that I
decided not to implement. Those connections do go to logic
high during voice playback and recording, respectively.

3. connecting to U2, pin 23 (sidetone) is optional.

4. There are two independent things to check first:
a. you can confirm the keyer is talking to the PC
through U1 by cabling it up and running WL. Make sure
you have "View Status Bar" clicked ON, and look at the
WPM readout in the status bar. If it says "Timeout",
then its not talking to the PC.
b. Connect a paddle and see if CW comes out (P1, P2,
P12 or P13.

If either (a) or (b) succeeds, then the microprocessor
is OK and any function that doesn't work is due to
something else on the board.

5. The COMM PTT problem sounds familiar with the 'MP.
I think it might have something to do with whether you
have the VOX switch or the BK-IN switch on. But its
behavior should not have changed when you switched from
the RTS line keying to the keyer.

6. While it possible to have a defective mc68hc705p chip,
exactly one user has managed to install a non-functional
one. I don't know what killed it, but they are quite sturdy.

7. A DVM is all I have to test with, too, so I am sure
that is enough to get it going. The first thing to determine
is whether the microprocessor is running or not. 
I have built at least 10 of the boards over the past
year. I have had exactly one bad component (a 2n3904
transistor). All other times the board has failed to work
first time has been bad solder connections or solder
bridges. It also won't work if you reverse the positions
of the male/female 9 pin D connectors. (which I have seen

(The 10 boards were all prototypes. Sorry, we don't
have any pre-built ones for sale. But we are looking
for ways to make that happen).

Wayne, W5XD

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-writelog@contesting.com
> [mailto:owner-writelog@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Jerry Pixton
> Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 19:48
> To: writelog@contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] W5XD Keyer
> Hi all,
> As long as this was posted, let me throw in my questions that 
> I tried to
> post two before the cw contest. I also built the keyer 
> intending to use it
> during the cw contest and did not put in the cw speed pot.
> What seems to not be working is the ability of Writelog to 
> command PTT on
> the rig interface. Under CW PTT Setup, I select "Command rig 
> on COM port"
> and on Port Setup I have both CW and Rig selected on Com1 for 
> the FT1000mp.
> The rig does go to transmit on the first character but then 
> drops the PTT
> on the first dot or dash. The sidetone continues on for the 
> message. I had
> to disconnect the keyer and go back to using DTR for keying 
> and RTS for PTT
> during the test.
> This was using both version 10.23F and 10.24F and it also 
> occurs when using
> "PC generates cw". PTT is commanded on the rig interface fine 
> under ssb or
> rtty modes.
> I have been playing here with the keyer this afternoon very 
> much hit and
> miss in checking the keyer out (does any one have a good 
> testing approach
> to see what is working and what is not???)
> When I place switch S1 in one position (away from the PIC) I 
> get cw keying
> on the left port, P1, and when I put the switch in the other 
> direction I
> get CW keying on right port P2 but then the rig command PTT 
> stays up??????
> How is this switch supposed to work??
> So at the Keyer end
> 1. CW Left works
> 2. Rig polling and frequency tracking works between P11 and 
> P10 so the CAT
> interface seems ok
> 3. I get Antenna Relay BCD code on P13 Left LPT port
> I have not tested the audio headset switching so I don't know 
> yet if the
> Audio R or Audio L functions are working. I have not tried the paddle
> inputs yet either.
> I did not install the speed pot, R11 nor the sidetone 
> transistor Q1 so I
> guess pins 3 and 23 of MC68HC705P, U2 are floating. Do I need 
> to put them
> in any way??
> At 09:58 AM 2/25/01 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> >Have built the keyer, but did not put the CW Speed Pot. 
> Question is the pot
> >necessary for operation.?
> >Also did not hook up anything to the "pbck or rec" Everything else is
> >installed and has been checked by
> >A second party. The only test instrument that I have is dvm 
> and vom. There
> >is activity at the Xtal terminals,
> >But do not know if it is the correct freq or not. I get 
> keying at the input
> >of U2 the 68hc705p. There is no output
> >>From this chip. Anyone have any idea's on anything to check 
> or on what is
> >bad. My next thoughts is to get
> >Another 68hc705p to see if the chip is defective.
> >
> >73 Doug/K4QO   k4qo@mindspring.com
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >WWW:                      http://www.writelog.com/
> >Submissions:              writelog@contesting.com
> >Administrative requests:  writelog-REQUEST@contesting.com
> >Problems:                 owner-writelog@contesting.com
> ------------------------------------------
> Dr. Jerry R. Pixton, PIXOS Designs LLC
> http://www.pixos.com/designs/
> jpixton@shentel.net
> ------------------------------------------
> --
> WWW:                      http://www.writelog.com/
> Submissions:              writelog@contesting.com
> Administrative requests:  writelog-REQUEST@contesting.com
> Problems:                 owner-writelog@contesting.com

WWW:                      http://www.writelog.com/
Submissions:              writelog@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  writelog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-writelog@contesting.com