Update for SARTG New Years Day Contest

Ron Stailey, K5DJ Ron-Stailey@easy.com

Many of you have asked if there is a supported contest for SARTG New Years 
Day Contest.  I have a program I used last year. It will let you send and 
receive exchanges and log them..  You will have to hand score the log, 
Mults etc. However it will send and receive all the exchanges such as:
Call, RCV, NR, NAME, GREETING, ect.. The first time you try to log a 
contact you will get a window that says:

        You are adding the first QSO to a log with no multiplier module
        loaded. Wayne you want to do a Select Contest first?
          (Just click OK and it will log all contact from then on.)
        If you plan to do the SARTG New Years Day test send me an e-mail
        and I will send you the SARTGNY8.CNT file..
        Put SARTGNY8.CNT in your C:\ham\contest, and your ready to go.        

We will have the SARTG New Years Day Contest working property next year..  
Sri about the year..  The reason we didn't have this contest done already 
is because Bo Ohlsson SM4CMG told me last year not to worry with it as there would be changes in the '98 SARTG New Years Day Contest.. Bo passed away 
and I haven't seen any changes in the rules that Ewe SM7BHM sent me. I didn't 
want to ask any questions about it as Ewe may not have wanted to change 
any thing. hi

BTW- Another new update in out newest version is getting rid of the DE in 
front of any calls for the multiplier caption to work. It isn't necessary 
to have or put DE in front of your call any longer.. All new calls Mults 
or band QSO will Highlight for your INSERT Key to put a incoming call in 
call window and send the exchange..  This is a new feature from WriteLog. However, I would put DE in front of YOUR call so the other S/W will beep 
on your call. I'm sure they will follow suit with this feature asap... 
A special thanks to the Beta Testers.. Fine job fellows thanks a bunch..

BTW, we have a new Web Page, we ran out of space on the old one. Here is 
the new Web Page address of WriteLog/Rttyrite Contest S/W for Windows.. 
I'll see you in the test on New Years Day and or Roundup.. :-)
  73 & Happy New Year, 

     de Ron K5DJ