RST 59 - 599 chages

Ron Stailey, K5DJ

     You didn't specify what was being done incorrectly but I made a 
     test and noticed that the RST did not change between 59 and 599 
     until the 2nd QSO after a mode change.  One way around this is to 
     do a Control-W after the mode change.  That will clear all fields 
     and reset the RST to the proper default.  Make sure you add Mode 
     to the Display Format so you can see when there is an error.
     73, Eric - K6EP

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Subject: Bug in 9.14?
Author:  <> at internet
Date:    11/24/98 4:15 PM

I noticed that WL is 1 Q behind when switching modes in a contest (I'm 
'practicing' for the 10m contest) - the first Q in a new mode is logged 
Is there a workaround or is this a bug?
Eric W3DQ