[WriteLog] More issues
Tom Provost
Tue, 6 Mar 2001 20:22:48 -0500
Well I can't find another series of answers. The first involves my packet
window/dx spot setup. The packet window works like gang busters,I can see
all the incoming spots or send spots out f.b. The trouble is I am not
getting any or at best one burst of strange looking dx spots in the dx spot
window. if I do get any it looks similar to
x PY2AB 1466574431.0
This was on ten meters and I couldn't find any spot for PY2AB in the packet
window....very strange.
When I went to summarize the dx phone contest(my first)all the pull down
menus were blank and I couldn't enter any info in the windows either. So now
what? do I have missing files or what?
Waiting with bated breath,
Tom wa2yjf...
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