[WriteLog] Another dumb question
Hans K0HB
K0HB@qwest.net" <K0HB@qwest.net
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 04:11:17 -0000
Marty Tippin wrote:
> This kind of checking can easily be accommodated with a "list of valid
> values" - stored in a .INI file just as WriteLog does with the list of
> ARRL sections, etc. - however, making the software refuse to take any
> values other than those listed would be counterproductive.
I always liked how CT stonewalled you if any field contained invalid
info, and does not let you proceed until you fix it.
Using the SS "Prec" field as the example again, suppose you
finger-fault the keyboard and enter "N" instead of "M". If this was
only flagged for post-contest fixing, you are forced to decide if that
"N" is really "M" or "B" (both one position away on the keyboard).
73, Hans, K0HB
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