[WriteLog] Setting up exchange

Pat Cain, K0PC k0pc@arrl.net
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 08:44:52 -0600

Sounds like great progress Hans. The exchange is completely up to you. If 
you don't want to send NR just take it out of the exchange.

<urcall>  <urnumber>  B K0HB 65 MN   is written as  %C % B K0HB 65 MN

The %C is the station's call.
The % by itself is the number.

The standard exchange has a pair of %B in it. These bracket what would be 
sent if the call is a dupe, as in B4.
So the standard exchange sends K0PC QSO B4 if we have already worked and 
K0PC NR 123 B K0HB 65 MN if we haven't.


At 01:07 AM 3/19/01 +0000, Hans K0HB wrote:

OK, now I'm getting dangerous!  I've got WL talking to my
radio and sending CW and I've even fingered out how to
make <f1> work as in CT.  Aren't you proud of me?

Now a question.  I hate sending "NR" prior to sending
a serial number, as in SweepStakes.  Using the example
from the help file, I programed <f2> like this:

      %C %BQSO B4%BNR % B K0HB 65 MN

This causes the program to send this:

       <urcall> NR<urnumber> B K0HB 65 MN

I prefer the form:

       <urcall> <urnumber> B KOHB 65 MN

Can I (and how) program the memory to not transmit the
letters "NR" before <urnumber>  ??


Hans, K0HB

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