[WriteLog] SS ss# Key Input Question from N0AH

Frank Grossman (WB2BXO) flgrossman@earthlink.net
Sat, 3 Nov 2001 16:04:35 -0500


I tried just using % and it displayed the QSO number correctly on the CW
display, so I believe it works.  Could not thoroughly test it though because
the computer I'm testing on is not in the ham shack.

BTW, thanks to all for suggestions on this one.  Due to the NYC Marathon and
other commitments, I may not get a chance to operate this weekend, but if I
do, the information will certainly help.


----- Original Message -----
From: John E Bastin, K8AJS <jbastin@sssnet.com>
To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] SS ss# Key Input Question from N0AH

> At 00:18 -0500 11/01/2001, Frank Grossman (WB2BXO) wrote:
> >
> >So, the required serial number syntax is %n -- not just %?
> If you enter just the %, how is the program supposed to know whether you
want the serial number, call sign (%C), check for dupe (%B) and so forth?
> >I don't think
> >leading zeros are really needed in SS exchanges, though they reduce
> >confusion in other contests.  Must I specify %1 to transmit the number?
> The WriteLog help file CLEARLY states:
> 'The memories have the following special properties if there is a "%"
character followed by a:
> 'digit n (in the range 1 through 5)
> (Seems pretty plain to me - the '%' character FOLLOWED BY A DIGIT n -
> 'the current QSO number is substituted for the % when that message is
sent. The number sent will be preceded by enough "T" characters in Morse (or
"0" digits in RTTY) to ensure that at least n characters are sent in the
number. For example, if the sequence number is one, and there is a "%3" in
the F3 field, then pressing F3 will send "TT1". This is for contests that
require a "three digit serial number".'
> You can set it for however many digits you want, from one through five. I
don't do Sweepstakes, but in other contests I've found that three digits
padded with zeroes results in less confusion on the other end and a better
rate. As you say, in SS it may not be as much of a consideration.
> Hope this helps.
> --
> J o h n   B a s t i n           K 8 A J S
> jbastin@sssnet.com         K8AJS@arrl.net
>     http://www.geocities.com/~tarquin
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