[WriteLog] [Fwd: [Fwd: [CQ-Contest] Participate in Leaderboard Live! during SS!]]

Richard Thorne rthorne@tcac.net
Sat, 03 Nov 2001 17:12:09 -0600

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I'm playing around in Nov SS CW and loaded this software that Gerry
developed.  Its pretty cool stuff.

I would suggest downloading the program and setting it up.  Its fun to
watch the score race between different stations.

Rich Thorne
Amarillo, TX

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Richard Thorne
Advo Companies, Inc.

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Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2001 09:58:34 -0500
From: Gerry Hull <windev@inetmarket.com>
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Hello SS Fans,

Before CQWW SSB, I announced the availability of Leaderboard Live! , my
web site and client software for Writelog, which allows you to provide
realtime scoring information to web viewers and contest participants
alike.   During CQWW, we had between 10-12 stations active ( I wish more
had tried it!) and everything worked flawlessly.   We had it running at
VY2SS, where we did 12.8 Megs M/S, and the score was updated
continuously using our dialup internet connection.

Why not join the bandwagon during this weekend's CW Sweepstakes?
Currently, I have a plugin for Writelog which will post your scores
automatically (http://www.contestlogs.com/plugin).   By the end of the
day today (11-2-01), I will have a manual score update applet available
on http://www.contestlogs.com/generalupdate.   You can run this applet
on any internet-connected box and update your score on breaks or
whatever.   (Since there is a chance that someone might enter a bogus
score using the manual updater, the leaderboard will indicate the score
is user-entered.)

Real time score information is available to general web visitors at 
http://www.contestlogs.com/live.    For those using Writelog, the plugin
displays the leaderboard in a window within Writelog.   The manual score
updater will also have a leaderboard window.

I'm happy to provide API information for anyone wishing to integrate
the update applet into a logging/contesting application.

Have a great SS -- I'll see you there for a limited number of hours!


Gerry, W1VE/VE1RM
Greenfield, NH
Owner, contestlogs.com

CQ-Contest on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

