[[WriteLog] More re XP Upgrade Issues ]

Jon Harder jon@praxisworks.org
Wed, 7 Nov 2001 02:10:08 -0000

I think my problems may have been unique to non-motherboard ISA add-in
ports, as I noted.  If they had all been PCI add-ins, they'd probably have
been fine.  Just wanting to use the hardware I have already.  It was close,
but not close enough for now.    Thanks, Duane for the info re XPWare.
Glad the new OS works for you!

73,  Jon

----- Original Message -----
From: "Duane Calvin" <ac5aa@usa.net>
To: "Jon Harder" <jon@praxisworks.org>
Cc: <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 0:14 AM
Subject: Re: [[WriteLog] More re XP Upgrade Issues ]

> Not necessarily true, Jon.  I'm using a DXP38 on one COM port, a KPC-9612
> another, and my Omni VI+ on a third.  All work fine with one exception.
> XPWare (RTTY software) does not like WinXP.  Gary Johnson has essentially
> he's not changing it (I'm reading a little into the response I got from
> However, DXPWin (by HAL) and a couple others (RckRTTY, EasyTerm) work just
> fine.  So do WriteLog and DX4WIN.  So, maybe what you're reading isn't
> as it appears?
>    73, Duane  AC5AA