[WriteLog] WL CW Decoder Font Change ?

Jon Suehiro nn5t@attglobal.net
Wed, 7 Nov 2001 10:15:40 -0600

I don't know if it is just me, the feature is perfect but I have trouble in
that particular font used.   Especially I hate "E" that is so hard to
distinguish with "K".

Is there any way to change the font (maybe to terminal) ?

Also is there any way to modify the length on the screen ?   If I type wrong
or I am in some panic mode, the display (particularly in SS with long
exchange) helps to remind me the number received.   Understand it may be too
much for slow/old PC with minimum memory, then this should be selectable.
I prefer to double the length of current indication.

Otherwise 10.28D is working fine for me.