[WriteLog] Off real time.

Marty Tippin martyt@pobox.com
Sun, 11 Nov 2001 22:39:23 -0600

Enter all your contacts, don't worry about time. Then edit the first and 
last one to be the "correct" time.

Select all contacts between first and last (click on first, scroll to 
bottom, shift+click on last)

Go to Edit | Interpolate Times...

You might need to break this up into several "sets" of contacts if you had 
breaks in your contesting time. Just enter contacts during the period, 
enter correct time for first and last during the period, then select those 
contacts and do the Interpolate trick.


-Marty NW0L

At 08:06 PM 11/11/2001 , you wrote:
>Hello WL.
>Just downloded WL and am now retrospectively putting my hand made log for
>the Oceania Contest into WL.
>already looking better than the original, hi!
>I there an efficient way of entering contact times line by line by hand,
>rather than slaved to real time?
>Have looked in the archives but not located anything on this.
>Barry Kirkwood PhD ZL1DD
>Signal Hill Homestay
>66 Cory Road
>Palm Beach
>Waiheke Island 1240
>WriteLog mailing list