Fw: [WriteLog] MMTTY frozen.

Walt Niemczura walt@hawaii.rr.com
Sun, 11 Nov 2001 19:03:31 -1000

I had this problem, maybe. 

I both the CQWW and JARTS test I ran into a problem where MMTTY
(and RITTY) would freeze. Most frequently it would do this in
transmit for no apparent reason and randomly.  Other times it would 
just go dead, no action on the waterfall, FFT scope or XY scope. 
I would have to exit RTTYRITE and restart. At one point it was
locking up each time I went to TX.

Early in the JARTS test I happened on a solution in my case. RF
in the keyboard. I put FIVE ferrite snap on rings (the 1.5", 
38mm size). Two at the keyboard with a single turn of cable 
through the ring and three at the PC plug also with a single 
turn on cable.

Since then I've had no problems with MMTTY or RITTY. Before it 
would lock up two to three times an hour on 15 and 20m. I 
operated over 18 hours after the mod with no problems. Same 
this weekend, in 11 hrs of operating WAE there was not a single 
instance of a lockup.

I was driving me crazy. There were no spurious characters or 
any other indication of an obvious kind. How did I guess this? 
I switched from the Microsoft "Natural Keyboard Elite" to an older 
IBM PS2 type ( I was making too may typos with the new beast). 
The older one is somewhat shielded as opposed the plastic case 
of the MS one. The latter is not designed for high rf environments.

I hope this helps.

73 and Aloha,

"Bill Brooks, KE5OG" wrote:
> Guillermo,
> I have been having the same problem to the point the MMTTY plugin is
> unusable. I have asked on this reflector twice and while several others have
> experienced, no one has yet come up with a fix. I have un-installed and
> re-installed several times to try and fix it, but no luck. I'm beginning to
> think it may be somehow hardward related since it doesn't seem to be a
> widespread problem. My soundcard passes the writelog test fine. It only
> happens when i try to transmit and then I have to restart RTTYRITE to get it
> to clear.
> I'll keep it in mind and if I find a solution, I'll let you know...if you
> will do the same.
> Bill, KE5OG
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Guillermo Gosset <guillermogosset@yahoo.com>
> To: <writelog@contesting.com>
> Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2001 18:54 PM
> Subject: [WriteLog] MMTTY frozen.
> > Hi everyone,
> > This weekend I used for the first time Writelog
> > version 10.28C on a PC with win98 in the WAE RTTY
> > contest. Unfortunately, I had problems with MMTTY. In
> > about 1/3 of the attemps to transmit, the MMTTY scope
> > and FFT screens froze and I had to restart MMTTY from
> > the Rttywrite window. After this, it started to work
> > fine on receive and transmit, but, apparently on
> > random fashion and very frequently, it would freeze
> > again on transmit.
> > Any help in solving this problem will be appreciated.
> > 73 de XE1RGL
> > Guillermo.
> >
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