[WriteLog] WL/DXP38 QTC Hangup

Wayne F. King wfking@worldnet.att.net
Thu, 15 Nov 2001 06:35:25 -0500

I had trouble with my TNC both TX/RX in the QTC mode in the WAE RTTY
contest. Slowed me down a bit. I wish my DXP38/Wrtielog combination
would have worked better for TX/RX.  I had to send out 2 at a time then
hit ESC (hang up) and send the next 2 QTC's.

 Another peculiar thing happened to. When QSY'ing from 10 to 15 meters
all calls printed were YELLOW on 15M ONLY. I said what the hell????
Scary, because they were all in the log. I had to shut down and reboot,
Then all was fine. WHEW!

Anyone else see this happen?

Wayne N2WK