[WriteLog] WrieLog's logging format?

w9hly@decaturnet.com w9hly@decaturnet.com
Thu, 15 Nov 2001 13:53:46 -0500

Tks for suggestion(s). Done and soon to be delivered.


On 15 Nov 2001, at 12:43, Steve Holton wrote:

> As Interpret the requirements - Yes (almost)
> Under File->export-> ASCII with no formatting by time   will produce
> the file that should be named YourCallSign.all Under Contest->Save QTC
> Report    will generate a file that should be named YourCallSign.qtc
> The summary .rtf file produced by Contest->Create Summary sheet can
> either be converted to ASCII text by something like Word. Of it can be
> created by cut and past/typing with Notepad (looking at cut/paste
> from) the RTF summary sheet produced. The file should be named
> YourCallSign.sum you will have to add your time off info to this
> before submitting.
> At least that's what I did
> 73 Steve N1NB