[WriteLog] ssb buffers to my MP problem

FireBrick FireBrick" <w9ol@billnjudy.com
Sat, 17 Nov 2001 14:38:24 -0600

I've recorded my msg.waves.
but for some reason, I can't seem to get the output from my sound card and
my normal microphone to work together.
Rig is a mp, heil mic.
I take the output from the soundcard spkr port and tried to put it in
parallel with the microphone input to the MP.
Each alone sounds ok.
But when they are in parallel it sounds like there is a BIG fan running in
the background.
It's not a rf problem as it's minimum output into a dummy load.
If I disconnect either the mic OR the output from the soundcard the rushing
type fan noise disappears.

Am I screwing up the impedances that much?

If I put the soundcard to the patch in....same result.

Was hoping to have it working for SS but guess I'll have to rely on my
tonsils unless someone has the clue.

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Bill H. in Chicagoland