[WriteLog] Oceania Contest Summary

Dave L Thompson k4jrb@juno.com
Fri, 23 Nov 2001 16:55:21 -0500


The cabrillo log includes the summary as the first part of the entry. 
This tells them everything that the old summary told them except for the
line score.  According to the ZL they have cabrillo log checking software
that scores the log.

My only contention with the cabrillo log is that you have to work to get
a sum log line score.  The normal procedure is to include this in the
comments/soapbox area.  Several tried to squeeze it into the claimed
score area for the CQ 160.  I content that this gives the contest
checkers some idea of how your claimed score was derived so the can point
out what was in error (NIL, Bust, dup etc).    Unfortunately I have been

I will probably ask for the line score or a sum log on the Top band
reflector to aid in both debugging the log checking software and
explaining the difference (as I do now if asked).

73 Dave K4JRB