[WriteLog] Curious?? (long)

bob.wruble@verizon.net bob.wruble@verizon.net
Wed, 28 Nov 2001 07:23:00 -0800

i think wl is great for rtty but its got a long way to go to
equal or outdo TR especially for CW contesting!

----- Original Message -----
From: "WA9ALS - John" <wa9als@starband.net>
To: "Jerry Ford" <benlightnd13@home.com>; <WriteLog@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 2:23 AM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Curious?? (long)

> (I'm sending this to the reflector in case there are other friendly
> undecided lurkers out there like Jerry.  Hey, my post below might be long,
> but at least it didn't come with a virus!)
> Jerry, I'll take a stab at this challenging question because your post
> reminds me of where I was 2-3 yrs ago, and because I want to encourage you
> to try WriteLog.
> Many would agree that WriteLog is the top contesting software, and I think
> ALL would agree that it is one of the top 2-3.  WriteLog is the only
> contesting program of its kind, and it's not really "plagued" with any
> at this time, IMHO.  WriteLog can do anything you could imagine at this
> time, and many more things that you can't imagine at this time, based on
> your post.  Due to its power, there is a learning curve - However, that's
> reason not to jump in as a relative beginner!
> As I've found with most ham reflectors, the chatter concentrates on
> "problems" as perceived by the readership - Many, many times these
> end up being op error and/or related to equipment and configurations etc.
> Newcomers can sometimes get the opinion that the focus of the discussion
> trash, be it software or a particular rig!  We even have a certain
> reflectorite right now that is almost incapable of saying anything
> about much of anything or anyone, and many have blocked him from their
> program!  He attacks the authors and program with insulting remarks, but
> notice that he continues to use the program "because he doesn't have the
> time to write anything better".  (Oops, sorry...)  Don't let these posts
> fool you - WriteLog is excellent!!  Remember the majority are [relatively]
> silent.
> You mentioned several other programs, including MMTTY, Digipan, and
> Even if you do not set out initially to do so, you will very soon want to
> interface your rig if the 930 will allow it - That will be true no matter
> which contesting program you choose.  Certain aspects of rig control
> (reading/controlling frequency) and rig interfacing (PTT, CW, FSK, AFSK
> including PSK) will be common to the programs you mentioned - They all
> some of these functions.
> Several programs have some "overlap" - If you are primarily a DXer or
> ragchewer, DX4WIN is a premo logging program firstly.  If you only make an
> occasional few contest QSOs, it has some functions that help you with
> It allows rig control/interfacing and has some soundcard functions to
> transmitting limited modes for the casual digital mode op that wants to
> use his logging program.  However, if you end up focusing on contesting,
> want a program that is firstly a contesting program (WriteLog), although
> some also use WriteLog as their general logger.  Many of us like to do
> and we use both DX4WIN and WriteLog - It's simple to export logs from
> WriteLog to ADIF format and into DX4WIN after a contest!
> WriteLog will certainly do about anything - SSB contests with voice keyer
> functions, CW, RTTY (FSK and AFSK), PSK31, and also function in an SO2+R
> configuration (2 or more radios!).  This makes it great to "grow into" -
> I've used it almost exclusively for RTTY contests until recently when I
> started using it for CW too.
> Here's some direct responses to your post:
> > Will Writelog work all modes via soundcard or does it just support
> > other softwares that do that?
> Yes, all modes via soundcard.  And note that's -1- soundcard (almost any
> Windows soundcard) that can be used with 2 radios, 1 on each channel!  The
> reason that you're getting confused about MMTTY etc is that Wayne has
> graciously allowed WriteLog to work with other "modems" - Besides using
> WinRtty/Rttyrite soundcard system in WriteLog, it also allows you to use
> existing modems you might have like PK-232, KAM, DXP38 and others.  It
> lets you use one of 2 other software/soundcard programs - RITTY/K6STI or
> MMTTY.  We all have certain preferences and biases regarding which of
> combinations works best for us under certain conditons.  Many of us have
> found MMTTY to be desirable in some situations - Since it's so good and
> most recently accomodated by WriteLog, there has been a lot of discussion
> about it on the reflector.  Thus, although WL will allow you to use
> MMTTY/soundcard as your RTTY modem, it's not necessary to do so - The
> built-in WinRtty/soundcard modem is excellent - just ask Don (AA5AU) who
> won more contests than I have hair on my head using the WinRTTY modem of
> > Does it run clean CW without the use of an interface and will it allow
> > me to use my key?
> Yes - I was pleased recently when I first started using WL for CW - It was
> perfect.  After making the cables I already had for interfacing RTTY and a
> couple of years of experience under my belt with the program, it was
> to hook up for CW!  Simply getting in a CW contest with WL allowed me the
> pleasure of some DX last weekend that I thought I'd never hear, e.g.
> Vietnam.  I've been missing a lot by mostly staying out of CW contests!
> > From what I'm reading here,  Writelog seems plagued with software
> > conflicts.  Is that the case or is there just a large learning curve
> > associated with its use?  Is this a beginners software or a beginners
> > nightmare?
> I've touched on this already - Don't let being a beginner scare you off!
> The sooner you jump in, the sooner you will be moving up the learning
> You can start simply without all the interfacing and then grow into using
> more functions as you learn.  You will have some of the same overall
> and learning curve with any powerful logging and/or contesting program.
> www.k9jy.com web site is a great place for beginners to start, and many on
> the reflector will be glad to help you.
> > I don't expect you to be all that candid on the reflector...
> Oh, we're pretty candid!  heh heh
> > ( not the  place for you to trash and bash anyway ) - No, but that
> stopped a certain individual's bashing...  Oops, there I go again!
> insulting comments aren't appropriate on reflectors in general, but we all
> discuss what we're being challenged with or express our "wish list" for
> we perceive as possible future improvements.
> > Otherwise,  I would really appreciate any help as I am really confused
> > and concerned after reading some of the threads here.
> Although it can be helpful to some extent, jumping into a reflector and
> reading along is a difficult way to get an idea about something like this.
> It might be your only option, but if at all possible, the best way to
> understand the desirability of WriteLog is to see it in action at
> station!  With a little effort, you can probably find someone close enough
> to arrange a demonstation session - preferably during a contest that the
> demonstrator's not entering seriously so he can talk and show you around
> program.
> This is no doubt the longest post I have made on this reflector - I hope
> targets Jerry and more.  Now I'll hit the SEND button and wait to see
> whether I'm anywhere close or need to suit up!  73 - John
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> John - WA9ALS - VP5RY
> VP5 photos:  http://www.qsl.net/wa9als/vp5photos.htm
>      email:  wa9als@starband.net
>   homepage:  http://www.qsl.net/wa9als (New - NCJ article)
>    logbook:  http://www.qsl.net/wa9als/search.htm
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