[WriteLog] Curious?? (long)
Wed, 28 Nov 2001 09:27:24 -0800
TR doesn't decode CW, but its duping, logging and bandmapping
capabilities can result in extremely efficient logging for high-Q volume
contest ops, none of whom need the decoding feature, and the duping is
especially cool. WL duping system is comparatively basic.
Regarding decode, I've found that WL's decoding feature can turn
operating a CW contesting into an exercise essentially the same as
operating a RTTY or other digital mode contest; the decoding is so good
that with good filtering it very nearly eliminates the need for the op
to be able to copy CW with his noodle, just as nobody (I think!) copies
RTTY, AMTOR, or PSK in their head. This concept is anathema to most
high-grade CW ops, though, who can more quickly do the direct conversion
without having to read any text. I had it turned on for SS, but I found
that my interest in studying that screen declined as my rate went up.
Having a keyer emulation built-in to TR is, nice too.
Since I'm not a high-volume op (usually) and the inability of TR to
operate in a Windows environment frequently renders key features useless
whenever I need more than two ports, I often use WL. I've never been
able to get TR to run right on any of my machines; there is always
something that isn't working for me - rig control, packet spotting,
networking or something. These are all operating system related
problems, however, and I understand the Tree is working on a Windows
version. It could be a killer contest ap and I'm sure a lot of people
are looking forward to its release.
73 Neal N7RX
WA9ALS - John wrote:
>From: <bob.wruble@verizon.net>
>To: WA9ALS - John <wa9als@starband.net>; Jerry Ford <benlightnd13@home.com>;
>Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 10:23 AM
>Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Curious?? (long)
>>i think wl is great for rtty but its got a long way to go to
>>equal or outdo TR especially for CW contesting!
>Just curious - like what? I don't use DOS or TR - Tell me what I'm missing.
>Does it decode the CW and dup and mult check for you without any
>intervention AT ALL on your part? I find that alone very strong.
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