[WriteLog] SO2R Question

Dick Green dick.green@valley.net
Wed, 28 Nov 2001 13:13:28 -0500

> Do you SO2R gurus actually use the split headphone function?

Oh yes, it's crucial. You're asking the right questions, Clive. The problem
is that WL does not offer a hotkey to switch the audio between stereo and
mono mode. The simple solution is to get a Windows key mapping program. I
use a little piece of shareware called Keyboard Remapper. You can get it at:
http://www.dev-labs.com/kr/index.html. It's not the most user-friendly
program, but if you read the doc carefully you should be able to make it
work for you.

You'll need to define a macro sequence to do the audio switching (ALT-R +
ENTER.) I assign this sequence to the backquote/tilde key in the upper
left-hand corner of the keyboard. My left hand is always hovering over that
key and the ESC key to stop the CQ.

I've also found it useful to map some of the keys. I assign INSERT to the
"-" key and plus to the "=" key. Those are labeled "work" and "log". I use
the macro function to assign SHIFT+ARROW to the "[" key and CTRL-ARROW to
the "]" key. Those are labeled "keyb" and "xmit", for moving the keyboard
and transmit focus, respectively. I assign UP-ARROW or DOWN-ARROW to the "\"
key. That one is called "radio". It moves both focuses at the same time to
switch radios (weird results if the focus is split.) The bottom line is that
the keys for all these functions are neatly grouped under my right hand.

Proprietary information? Nah. I've gotten a lot of help from more
experienced contesters and this is one of the best things about contesting:
the majority of participants are very generous with their knowledge. When we
all learn more, it makes contesting more competitive and more fun. It's
still up to the individual op to translate that information into winning

73, Dick WC1M

> home brew switch box under TR, but confess I have never been
> entirely happy
> with my ability to copy weaker callers ( say S5 ish) on the run
> radio. Now in
> W5XD keyer auto mode it is much more difficult to quickly switch
> to both ears
> in the run radio( unless I am being dull again?), Ctrl M, AltR,
> N.... jeez, or
> mouse control.
> Of course WL makes this much more efficient with the latch
> facility, but even
> so....... I have begun to believe that this may not be the best
> way to go, and
> "normal" headphone operation from the Radio menu in conjunction
> with the Ctrl
> X latch facility may be preferable. There is a price to be paid
> of course,
> which is that period between auto CQs ( say) 1.5 secs, when you
> are locked out
> of the S&P radio if there are no callers. I begin to think that
> this may be a
> good trade off however. Waddya all reckon?