[WriteLog] Curious?? (long)

GilBaronW0MN gbaron@charter.net
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 07:30:03 -0600

> -----Original Message-----
> From: writelog-admin@contesting.com
> [mailto:writelog-admin@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Billy Cox
> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 16:38
> To: writelog@contesting.com
> Subject: Fw: [WriteLog] Curious?? (long)
> Forwarding this for Bob W7GG to the reflector as
> that where I believe he intended it to go ...
> Gil ... you DO need to correct your comments
> and apologize to Tree, N6TR ... you are WRONG.
> 73 Billy AA4NU

You are the only one that demands an apology to Tree. Curious that Tree
himself nor any of his supporter has said anything. I may have been mistaken
and only thought that a windows version was promised. I apologize to Tree if
he thinks I am attacking him, I AM NOT. I never meant to attack Tree. I
meant to say that his program is not as good a WriteLog PRECISELY BECAUSE it
is DOS based. Some thins it may do better and other things not. The point is
that anything that TRLOG does and WL does not do can usually be handled by
some Window App. running at the same time which is tough with TRLOG. As for
ease of use in for example sound recording, TRLOG is NOT EVEN CLOSE to WL ,
in fact does not support it directly but with third party add ons that he
helps to support with hooks.

AGAIN, if you are listening TREE I APOLOGIZE for any thing that may have
seemed an attack on you. I was sure I had seen a note that a windows version
would be created. It seems I am wrong. It was not a deliberate lie as Billy
seems to imply.

Billy go away. YOU are the only one making personal attacks in public and
[private. Calling me a prevaricator which I am not.

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <bob.wruble@verizon.net>
> To: "Billy Cox" <aa4nu@ix.netcom.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 4:35 PM
> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Curious?? (long)
> >billy is exactly right ..... tree never promiseed porting over to
> >windows.....actually he always answered my query about that
> >(and i see him in person) at our local contest and dx club mtgs)
> >by saying he personally was not schooled in windows pgming
> >and had no intention of getting that way.
> >
> >fyi a few months i understand a thrid party approached tree abt
> >taking tr too windows environment but after they looked into it
> >they backed away becuz the cost/benefit analysis including mkt
> >size etc. did not make sense....i think they estimated something
> >like $100k or so cost to do it! ........
> >
> >i say agn wl is headed in the right direction and will probably win
> >mkt share (if it hasn't already) from any dos based software at least
> >for the massess of casual ops...... afterall look wat it did to
> wf1b rtty
> >sw which was the "cats ass" at one time!!   de w7gg
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