[WriteLog] Questions - New user
Dave -- KE7GI
Mon, 1 Oct 2001 09:10:39 -0700
Hi all,
I am a new user of WriteLog and new to this list. I used the program in the
CQ/RJ Rtty contest this weekend and liked it very much. Unfortunately, the
capacitor on my 80M -40M blew out a n hour or so before the contest! (I was
limited to 10M-15M-20M but did get some sleep!). I can see by the posts on
the list that I still have lots to learn.
I do have a couple of questions that I hope someone can help me with.
1. In the Rttyrite "60 wpm Baudot - Rttyrite" window (the one that displays
the received, sent text) under "Ports" there is a list of ports.
What do these ports do?
(I use a Kenwood 930S, so don't use radio control, but I do have the PTT
wired to port 5. Checking port 5 on this list keys the rig, but the RTTY
audio does not appear on the mic input. I had to check port=none and use
the Vox to key the rig.)
2. For a later CW contest: I can't seem to get WriteLog to produce CW
audio from the keyboard. In fact the "CW Keyboard Alt+K" is gray no matter
how I seem to set "Ports" under "Setup." I tried everything else I could
think of.
What did I miss?
(I am using WriteLog Version 10.26B with Win2000Pro.)
Thanks for any help anyone may be able to give me.
73 Dave, Ke7gi