[WriteLog] Problems from RTTY contest

Hill, Don dhill@cprk.com
Mon, 1 Oct 2001 11:23:36 -0500

MMTTY never crashed - either computer.  Barry,  you must have
something wrong, either with the sound card or some Windows
settings. I was running Win95 on one computer, Win98se on the other.

Did have the occasional call NOT highlight when they
should.  Never could figure out if there was anything
causing it to do that.  There was no pattern and it
happened so infrequently that it didn't bother me.

On the AFC situation with MMTTY.  You MUST turn AFC connection
off (uncheck it) for the BPF too.  Even if you have AFC
turned off in the AFC tab, for some reason, it still
becomes active if have the AFC Connection turned on in
the BPF.  I leave both OFF the whole contest and I kept
checking and AFC never came on - either computer.

Like Barry, toward the end of the contest when it got
slow I thought about turning AFC on when CQ'ing, but
unlike Barry, I didn't do it.  Even with stations off
frequency, all my TNC's copied OK for the most part.  I
did have to use RIT on occasion and some station called
my as far as 800 mhz off frequency!

There was too much going on to even think about making
changes within MMTTY.  So AFC was kept off the whole time.

Man that was a fun contest eh?

I was beta testing 10.28c and it worked great.  However,
when I got over 1500 Q's or so, the auto save on my Win95
(120 mhz) machine took several seconds to save the log!

73, Don AA5AU

-----Original Message-----
From: WA9ALS - John [mailto:wa9als@starband.net]
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2001 8:26 PM
To: w2up@mindspring.com; WriteLog@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Problems from RTTY contest

> 2. MMTTY crashed every hour or two with a text message "Lost
> Sound." Fortunately, all that was necessary was close the RTTY
> window, then reopen it.

That didn't happen here - on WIN98 or WIN2000.  Sometimes when I close down
the whole WL program, like after the contest, the will remain on the screen
a window with some sort of "sound" error - I get this even when the program
and MMTTY have been working flawlessly.  No problem...

>but the AFC worked great, rather than twiddling the RIT.

My AFC was always changing - Seemed like whenever I looked at it, it was the
"other" way...  Not staying ON during CQ, and not staying OFF during S&P -
drove me nuts trying to catch it all the time!!  I thought this was a known
problem that had been fixed?  It would be nice if when you turn the AFC off,
it would default to 2125 and stay there.  Maybe I still don't have the
latest versions, but I thought I did.  Anyone?

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