[WriteLog] Too Many Spots, computer slows down

w9hly@decaturnet.com w9hly@decaturnet.com
Tue, 2 Oct 2001 09:44:43 -0500

MMTTY exhibited that characteristic in the early days and someone 
mentioned that setting a buffer size higher might help. Go to Rtty 
Control panel/Options/Setup/Misc tab/ Sound Card and set  Buff to 
2048. It solved the problem here.  


On 2 Oct 2001, at 6:08, k0bx@qsl.net wrote:

> Everything was going fine Friday night, no problems.  Then 
> same thing until about noon.  With the big opening, the telnet spots
> were coming fast, then I started to notice MMTTY sometimes 
> for a second or two, the keyboard became very slow(almost 
reminded me
> of UNIX).