[WriteLog] Cw after RTTY

w9hly@decaturnet.com w9hly@decaturnet.com
Wed, 3 Oct 2001 22:40:22 -0500

To all that offered help, Thanks!

I was thinking and that got me worked into a corner. I visualized the 
program as saving each mode configuration in separate files. Of 
course, I didn't read that. Those items in the .ini file would be radio 
port assignments, etc. I must quit thinking.

I have no need for the CW decoder at this point in my life. But I 
know it is there should I have attitude change.


On 3 Oct 2001, at 22:26, WA9ALS - John wrote:

> There are a couple of ways to do CW, and I'm no expert at it.  You can
> get CW print in the Rttyrite window by choosing something besides