[WriteLog] Soundboard DVK - Almost no audio

Ron Kenwood rkenwood@erols.com
Fri, 12 Oct 2001 00:07:22 -0400

I am trying to set up the Windows soundboard DVK. Got all my wave files
recorded and that seems okay. Radio is FT1000MP, mic is a Heil headset boom
mic with HC-4 element. Sound card is SoundBlaster 16 PCI which gets a 7f.
Heil mic goes to mic input on the sound card. I built the interface
suggested by KV1W which is a radio shack 1:1 isolation transformer. I pick
up left channel output from the speaker connection in to the transformer. On
the output side there is a voltage divider consisting of 470 and 100 ohm
resistors. From the center of the divider, a 2k resistor goes to the mic
connector on the Heil adapter. This is described in the support section on
the Writelog web site. On the volume controls, I have wave balance and
volume control up as high as possible. On sound board options I have Enable
recording loop and echo microphone checked.

When I press an fkey, the radio keys. I can hear very faint audio when I
enable radio monitor, but there is zero output.

Any suggestions, or do I have to do it the old fashioned way in the PA QSO

Thanks, Ron