[WriteLog] PA QSO Party

Allan Briscoe abriscoe@direct.ca
Mon, 15 Oct 2001 10:48:55 -0700

Did anyone else notice the following  Writelog "glitch" during the PA QSOP

In the "SCORE/BAND" window, the running score is off by a factor of ten !
For example, my final score shown in the score/band window shows a score of
122,850 points  --- WOW ! am I ever doing great !! Alas and alack , the
"real" final score (before bonuses) is 12,285 points. This is really no big
deal, as the calculated score which is entered into the contest summary
sheet is correct. Perhaps this is unique to my somewhat outdated Writelog
version (10.22B), and may already be fixed in later versions.

Also .. I am somewhat put out that the contest organizers have seen fit to
discontinue email log submissions, therefor snail mail must be used. To me,
this is a retrograde step!!

Allan Briscoe
