[WriteLog] Inserting the sent exchange into every QSO

Dave L Thompson k4jrb@juno.com
Wed, 24 Oct 2001 01:32:29 -0400

n checking the CQ 160 Contests I found that using the WT4I Cabrillo tools
cabrillo converter has the ability to insert the sent exchange into every
QSO.  Many of the old DOS programs only include the sent exchange in the
.sum file not the actual log!   This caused an uproar in the All Asia
contests a couple of years ago when most USA entries were DQed.

Running the log into the cabrillo converter the heading on the conversion
page lets you fill out the sent report and location (say 599 GA).  The
converter puts this into every QSO.  I must have done 70 or 80 logs this
way.   It does not help if somehow the received exchange did not get
included ( 3 logs..they had to resend).

I also found that if someone tried to homebrew a cabrillo log it was
usually wrong (not Cabrillo as you find at www.kkn.net).  I had to run
all these logs thru the converter.  The major problem encountered was the
field was too long (usually 82 rather than 80 characters log).  Guess
someone has been around since the 80 col punch (or IBM) card eh Trey?

73 Dave K4JRB