[WriteLog] Dupes file for JARTS log submission?

WA9ALS - John wa9als@starband.net
Wed, 24 Oct 2001 11:39:01 -0500

It's not like that, Jerry.  Use File|Export and take the choice with "dup"
in it to get the "dupe" file.  Don't be freaked out when you first look at
the file - There are huge amounts of white space between the bands.  I only
had 1 QSO on 80, so when I first look at my dup file, I only see that one
QSO.  However, if you scroll down far enough, you will then find your 40M
QSOs etc.  I simply removed most of the white space between bands to make it
more clear for them to look at.

I think this is called a dupe sheet after the style we used to use when
logging was done on paper.  You recorded every call you worked by call area
and alphabet, and looked at it each time to make sure each q was not a dupe.
Thus I think the "dup" file created by Writelog is actually a list of unique
calls worked on each band, i.e. it is NOT a list of your dupe contacts.
Hope this helps.  73

----- Original Message -----
From: Jerry Flanders <jflanders2@home.com>
To: <writeLog@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 11:23 AM
Subject: [WriteLog] Dupes file for JARTS log submission?

> JARTS rules say:
> "Any entry making more than 200 QSOs must submit duplicate check file."
> How are you guys doing this? Until recently, I didn't work dupes, but now
> that my  setup allows it, I had a couple dozen out of my 699 QSOs in JARTS
> contest. (Obviously, not everyone is using WL...).
> I haven't looked at the log in detail yet - I presume the dupes are
> marked with "D" in the log, as they were marked that way in WL's display.
> Do I just isolate these in a separate file, just as I segregate the bands?
> Jerry W4UK
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