[WriteLog] Post-contest comments
Barry N1EU
Sun, 28 Oct 2001 19:17:52 -0500
I've been running WL10.28D this weekend and just wanted to report the
following (P266 192MB W98):
1. Soundcard keying just quit on me suddenly about 6 times while doing
nothing but running stations and entering qso's. All of a sudden the F keys
would just give a click without transmitting audio. Had to exit WriteLog
and restart it and go through a cycle of WriteLog not starting properly,
ending 2 WL tasks, and restarting successfully. Soundcard functionality
then restored (for a while). Does anybody else experience this? (BTW, I'm
also running DXTelnet)
2. Speaking of which, because it's not all that unusual to have to exit and
restart WriteLog it would sure be nice to have the option of
saving/restoring Packet spots, which are currently lost as soon as you exit
the program. Trying to refill the packet spot window with the 30 minutes of
good spot collecting that you just lost is otherwise impossible, sh/dx not
withstanding. This option would obviously only be used with immediate
restarting (due to program glitch), and not if you went QRT for any length
of time. I can't overstate the need for this in light of the fact that the
soundcard functionality gets lost intermittently.
3. Seems like a no brainer, but why aren't country and zone mults (color)
coded differently in the bandmap and packet spot window, with double mults
obviously marked? If nothing else, it would be nice to see double mults
stand out.
Hope everyone had fun this weekend!
Barry N1EU
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