[WriteLog] SS ss# Key Input Question from N0AH

John E Bastin, K8AJS jbastin@sssnet.com
Wed, 31 Oct 2001 15:31:22 -0500

At 13:09 -0500 10/31/2001, Dinsterdog@aol.com wrote:
>In reading my manual, I have tried to set up a string in F3 to answer
>stations worked with the following:
>%C               %n%                  B             n0ah        96         wy
>their call       my serial #    precedence    my call    check    mult
>It all works but my serial number that either seems stuck on sending the
>number 6 at %n%, or if I put in %3%, it just sends thre T's.... what am I
>doing wrong here that its not entering in my serial number???
>New user question but anxious to figure this out- It has to be a minor
>73  Paul  N0AH

Why are you sending it as %n%? According to the manual, the serial number construct should be as %n, not with a % after it.

Also note that the 'n' is supposed to be a number, the number of digits you want your serial number to contain. For three-digit serial numbers, it should be %3, and for numbers less than 100, it sends T for leading zero.

Is there anything in your log? WriteLog is sending the serial number of the line in your log where you have entered the current contact information. When you say that you're getting 'TTT' it seems to indicate that you haven't entered anything in the log and so you don't have a line number for WriteLog to read, thus it's sending 'TTT' for 000.

Hope this helps.

J o h n   B a s t i n           K 8 A J S
jbastin@sssnet.com         K8AJS@arrl.net