[WriteLog] Rig control problem with Writelog 10.27G

Fabio Mantovani, IZ4AFW iz4afw@libero.it
Mon, 03 Sep 2001 11:18:57 +0200

At 19.59 02/09/01 +0000, W. Wright, W5XD wrote:
>In the WriteLog \programs directory, there is a file named comreg.exe
>Run that program. It does its work silently, but after it is done
>in a few seconds, try running WL again.
OK, I found and executed it, anyway it didn't solve the problem... I get 
always the same message window "Rig manager not present! No rig drivers loaded"
Please note that I am not using any "strange" port configuration.... I have 
3 serial ports and the one I am interested in is COM2:
Thanks for your help, if you have additional suggestions they are really 
welcome! :)

73 & Ciao,

  Effugere nemo id potest, quod futurum est. (Publilio Siro)

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