[WriteLog] MMTTY window setup

Jon Harder jon@praxisworks.org
Mon, 3 Sep 2001 18:33:33 -0000

Barry - just adding a quick comment:

> is there a way to shrink the tuning display? That
> seems pretty big (wide) too.

Once you've chosen  the options Don describes, just use the mouse at the
edge or corner of the MMTTY panel and use the double-headed sizing arrow to
shrink, set proportions, etc. as with any other window on-screen. The FFT
display is a lot like the regular RttyRite soundcard display, or even RITTY.
Haven't found any way to turn that or the waterfall off.   But the XY scope
can be easily turned off or made smaller with the View menu.   Things are
pretty tight running two RTTY receive windows, tuning indicators, bandmaps,
along with a two window WL entry panel on a single 17 inch monitor, but I've
gotten used to it.  (I prefer 800 x 600 resolution, but go up to 1024 x 768
when I really need the space in contests..)

Jon,  K1US

----- Original Message -----
From: "Barry " <w2up@mindspring.com>
To: "WriteLog Reflector" <Writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2001 16:50 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] MMTTY window setup

> For those of you using MMTTY in Writelog, I wonder if you set it up
> with the control buttons showing? Seems to use up a fair amount
> of screen real estate. If not, is there a way to access them by a
> menu? Also, is there a way to shrink the tuning display? That
> seems pretty big (wide) too.
> Tnx/Barry
> --
> Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up@mindspring.com
> Newtown, PA                     Frankford Radio Club
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