[WriteLog] RE:WL/MMTTY Screen Setup for CQ/RJ RTTY DX Contest

WA9ALS - John wa9als@starband.net
Wed, 5 Sep 2001 16:16:30 -0500

Writelog really makes the possibilities fun!  Many realize the good printing
ability of the DXP-38, but complain about slow tuning and no AFC making it
difficult as a primary contest TNC.  However, you could parallel the audio
to Rttyrite/WinRTTY AND the DXP-38.  S&P tuning is fast in Rttyrite with the
AFC on (just line up the vertical yellow lines) and then anything that
Rttyrite and/or wide band decode didn't get, you would probably get in the
window printing from the DXP.  Then if your radio is a PRO, you have RTTY
decode on the rig's front panel too - If you haven't got the exchange by any
of these 4 mothods, you're probably not going to get it!  HIMight make a
weak, fluttery contest bearable!

----- Original Message -----
From: Hill, Don <dhill@cprk.com>
To: WriteLog Reflector (E-mail) <Writelog@contesting.com>; RTTY Reflector
(E-mail) <rtty@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 3:46 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] RE:WL/MMTTY Screen Setup for CQ/RJ RTTY DX Contest

> Sam's Club has the CTX 19" monitor for just over
> $200 plus an additional $30 back on a mail-in rebate.
> I plan on getting one to replace this CTX 17" monitor.
> I have one on my "A" station already.