[WriteLog] Sound card for WAE?
Charles Fulp
Wed, 5 Sep 2001 22:50:34 -0000
I have been testing WL for the WAE this coming weekend.
Everything is fine until I send a QTC... I am not set up to send the audio,
I probably would rather
just read them myself; however, after clicking a QTC and accepting it, and
returning to
the QSO entry window, my CQ WAV file is no longer sent. (no audio..cant
record a new one etc)
The "TOOLS" SOUND BOARD OPTIONS settings are all still correct...
Anything I have to do? (I've tried PORTS/wavefile location)
Other problem... I have recorded WAV files of A-Z with the sound recorder
that comes with
WINDOWS, and when I try to send them using the %1 type command on F2... my
"five nine" that
I recorded as <msg2.wav> (using shift F2 technique) comes out just fine,
but the 001 files
do not play... "incompatible file type" or some such thing. (I suspect the
solution to this problem can be found in the archives)
Enough questions for now... The first problem is the critical one.
73 Chas K3WW