[WriteLog] MP connection?
WA9ALS - John
Mon, 10 Sep 2001 12:51:20 -0500
> The product description says it's for PDAs and tablets, but in fact it's a
standard RS232C serial connection
I doubt it! It might be fine for controlling the MP, but I'll bet it won't
support sending FSK via Writelog correctly. (If it does, let us know.)
"Standard RS232C doesn't seem to mean much for these things except that it
has a DB-9 connector! HI I haven't found or heard about a single USB
serial adapter that is fully functionally identical to a motherboard serial
port. Some will read some rigs and not others. Some read all rigs, but
don't send FSK at all. Some will "sorta" send FSk, but have timing messed
up etc.
And, depending on your operating system, RTS and DTR will come up HIGH on
the USB adapter ports whereas they come up LOW on the motherboard ports.
That might mean your rig will key and stay keyed until you start Writelog or
some other program that corrects the situation.
Don't buy any of these things until you find someone doing exactly the same
thing with it that you plan to do - or take your chances!
I think good advice when buying a new computer is to get one with TWO
motherboard serial ports if you can. Then you can use the motherboard ports
for "mission critical" things like FSK and use the USB adapters for reading
rigs etc, after you've found one that works with your equipment.