[WriteLog] New AA5AU WriteLog Website

Don Hill AA5AU aa5au@bellsouth.net
Wed, 19 Sep 2001 23:26:24 -0500

I've opened up a new AA5AU WriteLog Website hoping to cover
some RTTY topics not found in the help files or by K9JY's excellent
WriteLog site.

The only topic covered at this time is Installing and Running the
MMTTY Plug-in for WriteLog.

This site is only temporary, I've secured a new domain.  But I wanted
to make this public now so that anyone who wanted to set up the
MMTTY Plug-in for WriteLog could do so before CQWW RTTY
next weekend.

Please excuse the advertisements that appear on the screen.  You can
click on them and get rid of them.  Also the screen shots are not the
best, but thanks to John, WA9ALS, I've learned how to make them
better in appearance and they will look great when I open the new site.
The new site will have no advertisements!

The present URL is http://www.geocities.com/writelog

I hope to include topics such as "Dual Receive" on a single radio and
interfacing DXTelnet with WriteLog.  If you have a topic related to RTTY
that is not in the WriteLog help files or on K9JY's site, let me know and
I will see if I can do something with it.  One suggestion has been on setting
up RITTY with WriteLog.  That is under consideration at this time.

Thanks to W5XD, SM6SRW, WA9ALS, K1US, AD1C and all the
others that helped.

Now is the time is get ready for the BIG ONE next weekend.  CU there!

73, Don AA5AU
http://www.geocities.com/aa5au/ (now with no advertisements, but moving soon
to www.aa5au.com)