[WriteLog] writelog.ini file, how many do u have?

Frank Norton KB8XU franknorton@home.com
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 02:48:37 -0400

Hello all,

I posted a question about my computer scrambling my software after multiple 
power shutdowns during SAC contest.

Current issue:  Cud each writelog user who reads this list do a quick 
search for "files or folder" named writelog.ini and see what ur search 
feature on Windows shows u.  Mine keeps coming up with 2 files in the 
C:\windows directory one named WriteLog, the other named 
WriteLog.ini.  When I check properties on these files both show up as 
"configuration" files.

If many of u will check for WriteLog files, THE TEXT/NOTEPAD TYPE FILES, 
just doing a search from the start button and opening the containing folder 
when u right click on the file or files u see displayed in the results of 
ur search), I would think all of u should find that there is only one file 
of the name writelog or writelog.ini!  It wud really help if u would let me 
know what u find under properties for the files in the \windows 
directory.  Then once u let me know I will post a summary of what the file 
or files should be named and how many there should be.

Thanks in advance for ur help with this vexing issue.  It has survived 2 
complete reinstalls of WriteLog 10.27G.  I keep coming up with the 2 files, 
how about u?

73 de Frank KB8XU