[WriteLog] More Networking

Fidel Leon Martin ea3gip@ea3gip.net
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 20:24:28 +0200

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On 26/09/01 at 22:08 Eric Scace wrote:

>Another lesson I learned the hard way:  If you are running firewall
>software (and you should on any machine that accesses the
>internet), you will need to configure your firewall software to permit
>access to and from the other computers in the network.  Even
>pings will be ignored if the firewall is operating.

	Zone Alarm 2.6, "advertised" in this reflector, do it in its default configuration. I was totally crazee at a client's home until I asked what was that bizarre icon besides the clock hi hi! Yes, the hard way, I understand you, Eric!

	It blocks TCP/IP access to ports 135 to 139, used by NetBIOS... so Windows Networking was gone!

	Closing Zone Alarm gave immediate access to the network.


Fidel Leon - EA3GIP