[WriteLog] Opening log window problem

Jim Smith jimsmith@shaw.ca
Thu, 11 Apr 2002 19:04:49 -0700

I have the same problem with 10.27G.  C:\Program Files\Ham 
Radio\Writelog\Contest\  leaves only 1 or 2 letters visible of the 
contest name.  The only solutions I can see are to change the layout of 
the form so that the list box occupies the full width or, even better, 
make the form resizeable and have the list box width change accordingly. 
 It would be very nice if one or the other could be done in the next 
upgrade.  I don't recall what WL is written in but I know it would take 
about ten minutes to do the first one in Visual Basic.

Thanks for bringing it up.  It's been bugging me ever since I got WL but 
never took the time to point it out.

73 de Jim Smith    VE7FO

Stan Staten wrote:

>When opening a recently used log I cannot see which one in the opening
>screen - the whole file name is too long and only the first part shows.
>Here is one that I use for playing around in  writelog.  I only see up to
>\My Do.  When several logs are shown, I don't know which one to open.
>D:\Documents and Settings\Stan.STAN-XP\My Documents\Writelog Logs\General
>73 Stan, N3HS