[WriteLog] WL + MFJ 1275 help needed

Carl Steckler cjs9@cornell.edu
Mon, 15 Apr 2002 09:41:58 -0400

I am still having problems using the MFJ sound card to rig interface when 
using WL. I can get the voice keyer message to play ( PTT & transmit) just 
fine. The problem is that the only way to stop the voice keyer is to push 
the escape key. Pushing the PTT on the mic doesn't work. I do not want to 
rewire the mic or use VOX ( high sound environment) Does anyone know what 
pin  on the serial port WL is looking at to stop the voice keyer, and is it 
looking for a high or low? I may have to rewire the MFJ box to fit my needs 
and that is OK. The rig here is an ICOM IC-736. Also plan to make another 
setup for the IC-275H.

BTW if you are not familiar with the MFJ 1275 you can look at the manual on 
line with schematic by going to www.mfjenterprises.com

Thanks for any and all help

Semper Fi (former active duty Jar-head)
Cpl USMC 1966 - 1972  RVN 6/67 - 7/69
"For those who fought for it, freedom has
  a flavor the protected will never know"
Unknown Marine, Khe Sahn, Viet Nam
73 De W2SGX .-- ..--- ... --. -..- FN12um