[WriteLog] RTTY/SSB mic switch

ik2hkt ik2hkt" <ik2hkt@inwind.it
Mon, 15 Apr 2002 19:14:30 +0100


I am running v.10.29E with W5XD interface.
All is OK but I have a little problem when switch from RTTY or CW to SSB.

Here the situation:
I put Heil microphone in MIC IN sound blaster jack and work very well during
SSB operation.
After I turn on RTTY (FSK) or CW and all work great.

When I turn from RTTY to SSB the micronphone don't work and I must enable
mic input from tolls windows -  sound blaster setup

I know the software automaticly switch off the MIC Input when turn form SSB
to RTTY but is possible to automaticly switch on when  return from RTTY to
Perhaps there is a istruction to put in .ini file ???

Sorry for bad english and waiting appreciated help.

73's Sten