[WriteLog] MQP

Edward Palagyi edkn4y@infi.net
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 13:38:48 -0400

I used Steve's, N9OH, module c for the Michigan QSP party and it worked great. Did 
notice an idiosyncrasy in scoring. The summary sheet shows the CW contacts but lists the 
multipliers as phone contacts. (all CW).  While logging I had 1,2,3,5,6 multipliers on 20 
meters. I worked a multiplier on 15 meters and it was logged as 1. Back to 20 meters the 
new multipliers resumed 7, 8, 9 etc. Then after multiplier 61 the number started at 1 again. 
But the total multipliers were correct on the summary. This did not cause a problem while 
logging. Next weekend the FQP.