[WriteLog] re: XP and Writelog keying sidetone

Courtney Judd Courtney Judd" <k4wi@earthlink.net
Thu, 1 Aug 2002 20:31:54 -0500

 Well, finally thanks to Dell at West Mountain got this all sorted out. The
reason I had no sidetone was that the rig was being keyed by the PTT line..
sort of using the MOX switch to send cw... definitely not good for the
1000D. Answer is to get Rigblaster Plus or quit fooling around and wire in
my W5XD SO2R keyer. For now, I un-installed XP and went back to ME and
parallel port keying so I will be on this weekend NAQP cw. Hope to work you!
73's Cort
Courtney Judd K4WI
2300 County Road 61
Uniontown, Al. 36786
e-mail= k4wi@earthlink.net
check out: www.59al.org