[WriteLog] CW decoder and Rttyrite CW at same time

wa9als wa9als@starband.net
Sat, 10 Aug 2002 23:06:42 -0500

While trying to figure out my CW challenges this evening, I read in the HELP
file that you cannot use both decoders at the same time.  However, I
clearly -can- use both at the same time.  I'm only inputing audio into 1
soundcard, so I find this interesting!  You can see a screenshot of both
working at http://www.qsl.net/wa9als/wlcw.gif

Earlier I posted that the soundcard mixer was deselecting the LINE IN when I
put the cursor in the ENTRY area.  I thought I had an explanation for that,
but then I couldn't reproduce it, so I guess it will remain a mystery.
However, it's not doing that anymore!  ;-)

P.S.  K5ZD, I didn't answer your CQ because I was listening to you on 40M
with my tribander at the time!