[WriteLog] Using CW Decoder and Rttyrite CW at the same time - more

wa9als wa9als@starband.net
Sun, 11 Aug 2002 13:50:29 -0500

Well, they CAN be used together, but there are some considerations!  The
filter settings in the Setup CW Decoder screen affect the placement of the
signal in the Rttyrite CW receiver.  With 400 as the lowest freq in the CW
Decoder screen, the printable text is one of the middle streams and the
scope peak is centered.  However, in the Rttyrite CW Receiver, the peak is
to the right, and clicking on it produces little or no good print.

Conversely, if I set the CW Decoder filters such that the signal is centered
in the Rttyrite scope, then print is good here, but the peak is shifted
downwards until only the bottom 2 traces print in the CW Decoder.  So you
can use both together, but you really only have one side of the signal in
the CW decoder if you have the Rttyrite CW Receiver centered.  Thus you
could miss printing someone in the CW Decoder if he was on the wrong side of
the guy sending CQ.

Of course, if you ONLY use one of the decoders, then just set the filters in
the CW decoder such that you get the signal where you want it, in whichever
decoder you let stay on the screen!

OK, I'm done with this subject  now....  ;-)