[WriteLog] Bandpass results...

DougN1@aol.com DougN1@aol.com
Thu, 15 Aug 2002 12:26:17 EDT

Thanks to all who responded to my query about Bandpass Filters. There appears 
to be a preference for Dunestar. (It looks like Dunestar has recently raised 
the price of the Model 600 to $339.00 (I sent an e-mail inquiry to them) 
while the ICE Model 419A is $228.00) That is quite a price difference and has 
my attention. (Both are 3 pole filters)
In prowling around the web, I see that K1TTT uses ICE. AK6R uses Dunestar.

Here is a compilation of the comments I received:

I've had great success with the Model 600.  I have one on each radio.

I'm sure the ICE model is fine.  AA5AU

I use the 419 and I like it.  Have only used individual Dunestar BP filters, 
and they work well too.  K5KG

At the time of purchase, I polled the CQ Contest reflector

and found less problems with the Dunestar model, so I

went that route. In 6 years, ZERO problems from them. I

use a Dunestar 600 on each MP here.

Having said that ... if I was doing it again today, I'd look

very hard at the W3NQN units instead ...  AA4NU

I ordered 2 Dunestar 600.  I'm expecting them this week or next week.

As soon as I receive them a friend of mine who has the equipment for it will

test them and I'll let you know the results.  ON5MF

I am using the Dunestar 600 5 band switchable filters here in the shack,
great for operating SO2R, that is about the only time that I use them. I
used them for field day with good success, one of the members of the club
also brought the Dunestar 300 filters, these are the ones for each band.
Using these filters with several radios on field day was a big help. I do
not know anything about the I.C.E. filters, except for what I have read
about them.   Vince Walton

Many years ago I brought the filters to work and characterized
them on my network analyzer.  The Dunestars had considerably
better rejection than the ICE units.
The tests were performed on single band units, but since six
single band units go into the multi-band box, I think the
test is valid.
If you are familiar with S-parameters, or can understand
return loss and insertion loss plots, I have a word document
with the network analyzer pictures pasted in, if you are interested.
But, the bottom line is, Dunestar is better.    WE9V

I have 3 of the 600 series here at this station and they have always worked

with no problems.   KR6E