[WriteLog] CW Cut numbers - a more specific request
Bob Henderson
Sat, 17 Aug 2002 08:09:14 -0000
Following my previous request to add CW cut number functionality to WL, a
number of people have mailed me directly to ask that I be more specific
about just what I would like to be able to do within WL and how I would like
it to be implemented.
When I wrote my other posting on this subject, I knew exactly what I was
trying to convey but I apparently fell short of being 100% successful in
doing so! Anyway, I promise to try harder this time!
What I would like is for WL to have flexibility in sending CW exchanges
which is closer to the flexibility I have when I use my paddle to do the
In sending numeric exchanges with my paddle I will I will use cut numbers
for zero (T) and nine (N) routinely and when the rate is high I will also do
so for one (A). I have never used any other cut numbers in sending
exchanges and I don't have any plans to start. I have heard others
experimenting with other cut numbers but their attempts usually fall in the
confusion that is generated. BTW I don't feel inclined to deny these people
the opportunity to experiment with other cut numbers in their exchanges if
they believe it might be a way forward. Enterprise in contesting should be
encouraged lest we all will surely die of boredom.
If when I send an exchange the station I am working sends NR? I will likely
modify how I send the exchange based upon his operating style:
If the station replies to me at around my speed or above it and used cut
numbers in sending me his exchange then I will assume he missed my number in
QRM and I will merely send the exchange again at the same speed and continue
using cut numbers.
If the station is sending at a slower speed then I will slow down when I
resend the exchange. If he didn't use cut numbers then I will send the
exchange in full.
The intention in any contest is to exchange information as accurately and as
rapidly as possible. The flexibility embedded in the above approach is my
own current view of what is optimal. Please note particularly the "my own"
and "current". I have no expectation that all contesters will share my view
of this approach as optimal and I say "current" because my views are
inclined to change based upon my accumulated experience. I am still
learning, thank goodness.
I will use last weekend's WAE CW contest as an example to illustrate what I
would like to have been able to do with WL.
In the WAE contest, stations send a serial number in every contact. Non
Europeans also have the opportunity to send QTC information to European
stations for additional points. A QTC consists of the QSO data for up to 10
prior QSO s. The data comprises the time the station was worked, the
station call and the serial number received.
If DL7AKC is my 209th QSO I would like default to sending DL7AKC 5NN 2TN
rather than having to send 209 in full which takes longer and is usually
If I then send him 2 QTCs Writelog will send them like this like this:
0205 S50A 199
0206 DL6FBL 190
Using cut numbers 0 & 9 in numeric exchange fields would make this exchange
T2T5 S50A 1NN
It takes a good 20% longer for Writelog to complete this qso than I can
sending at the same speed with my paddle but using cuts for 9 and zero.
The UA9s who are masters at achieving high rate in this contest have another
trick. Everyone receiving QTCs knows the format is Time, Call, S/N
received. Many of the UA9 stations would send the above exchange as
T2T5 S50A 1NN
In the second and subsequent QTC they would not waste time sending the hour
unless it was different to the last QTC sent. Over the sending of 10 QTCs
this gives them a very useful rate improvement. (It's almost certain they
would have used A for one too but I didn't change that as it isn't the point
I am trying to illustrate here.)
I applaud the UA9 stations for their initiative and their enterprising
technique. When I paused my own contesting effort to witness this kind of
traffic it was clear that the European stations receiving it had little if
any trouble interpreting it. On the one occasion I heard a repeat requested
the UA9 included the hour digits but retained cut numbers and the receipt
was then verified by the European. I don't know what you guys think but for
me this is slick CW contest operating. As I have said already, I applaud
So.....to what I would like to see in Writelog.
I would like to be able to enter a command line in Writelog.ini which would
set my preference for use of A, N, T in place of 1, 9 and zero in numeric
exchange fields. In this command line I would be able to select any, all or
none of these three commonly used cut characters.
I would also like a hot key to be configured which I could use to disable
the cuts for those occasions on which I consider it to be the optimal
response to a request for a repeat. The same hot key would then be used to
For the WAE contest it would be nice to also have the capacity to send times
based upon the UA9 format but I guess that is a separate wish and specific
to WAE.
Please note; I am not requesting any change which will affect the ability
of Writelog to make numeric exchanges in the current format. I am only
requesting the option to be able to make exchanges in a more concise and
therefore rapid fashion where circumstances make it appropriate in the view
of the operator to do so.
I apologise, this has been a rather long winded explanation. My fingers are
crossed in the hope that I have been successful in adding the clarification
Bob 5B4AGN, P3F, ZC4ZM