[WriteLog] SARTG Scoring - Trust Me

Don Hill AA5AU aa5au@bellsouth.net
Mon, 19 Aug 2002 09:50:28 -0500

The contest manager for SARTG is Ewe, SM7BHM.  His E-mail
address is sm7bhm@svessa.se.  If you have questions concerning 
the scoring of SARTG in reference to contacts made outside your
call area (5 pts. vs. 10 pts. for JA, VE, VK and USA), he can answer them.

However, after operating this contest for 15 years, I think you can
trust me that WriteLog scores the contest correctly, giving 10 pts.
for QSO's outside call areas for JA, VE, VK and USA (yet in the
same continent).  In other words, a W5 working a W2 will give 10 pts.,
a JA1 working a JA2 will also give 10 pts.  A W5 working a W5 will
give 5 points.

I just converted my log to Cabrillo using WT4I Cabrillo Tools and
ran it through the WT4I Log Checker and it gives me the
exact same score as WriteLog did.  For the person that said WT4I
did not score the same as WriteLog, check your WT4I version.  I was
using Log Checker v2.08w which I think is the last update available.

I think we can put this one to rest.

73, Don AA5AU