[WriteLog] Hello Writelog!

K4SB hamcat@directvinternet.com
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 15:36:21 +0000

> At 09:08 PM 8/19/2002, Bill wrote:
> The documentation is "dismal" because it's mostly "unnecessary" 
You call documentation "dismal" when a writelog help URL is almost 400
pages long?
Not to mention the hundreds of replies from our "hotshots" who have
helped others.

I for one agree with Marty that I was too "hung up on CT, ect" at
first. Once I abandoned that, things got a lot easier.

No one can expect the program to merely load, and on clicking on it,
for it to run automatically. And it won't build cables for you. (
Wayne, check into that )

CW on pin 1 is really LSB=USB ( );>